Saturday, August 28, 2021

Google Alert - Garden Planting

Garden Planting
Daily update August 28, 2021
After years of collecting plants from here and there, I am now surrounded by plants that once belonged to important people in my life.
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Nationally recognized gardening expert Melinda Myers helps everyday gardeners ... New Melinda's Garden Moment web tips will be added throughout the growing ...
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Whether you are growing vegetables in a pot in your apartment or refreshing your backyard garden, it is important to know that a fall vegetable garden needs to ...
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As growing season winds down and you prepare your gardens for winter, "You can actually stop and smell the flowers," she said. "We're usually less busy in the ...
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The optimum time to plant a dry garden is between November, when the first rains begin to fall, and February. Planting during that period gives plants a chance ...
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Broadcast it over the entire garden three weeks or more before planting. ... the garden or compost tend to make the phosphorus available to garden plants.
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Plan spring bulb gardens and plant bulbs late in the month. Store bulbs in a cool, dry location until planting. • Dig up tender bulbs such as caladium ...
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When the season changes and your summer plants are gone, your soil begs for some sort of protection from the cold weather to come.
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Unfortunately, nutrients in the soil are leached out from all this watering or are consumed by the growing plants. This lack of nutrients is like a car running ...
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◼️ Some gardeners had better success than others in the summer vegetable garden, but many plants are getting tired. If you can find transplants, you can put ...
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